Valley Angels Home Health provides services to homebound adults in the comfort of their own home with the needs ranging from assistance with activities of daily living to highly specialized therapies.
Health plan coverage
Our services are covered by Medicare, private pay and some insurance carriers. We are currently working in establishing relationships with other carriers.
Response Time
Response time for routine and high-tech services is within 48 hours of referral or discharge from a facility. Same day assessments may be performed as requested and/or dependent upon the severity of the patient's condition.
Valley Angels Home Health maintains business hours Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. A Registered Nurse is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to handle any requests for services, questions or concerns.
Services provided
Registered Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses that are highly qualified and trained in providing the following in home patient care:
Phyisical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Services
Speech Therapy
swallowing disorders
Home Care Aide Services
Medical Social Worker
Valley Angels Home Health, LLC.
315 Jose Marti Blvd, Suite A
Brownsville, Texas 78526
Phone (956) 541-4400
Fax (956) 541-4924